New Release Announcement: 07/18/21

PowerDetails will be updated on Sunday evening, 07/18/21.

(No service disruption is expected)


What's New?

Shift Buffer Time

Administrators can now set a buffer time to prevent personnel from signing up for jobs within a specified time frame from another job they are assigned to.

  • Administrators indicate a buffer time in minutes under Advanced > Site Config > Settings > General. By default, this will be “0” to work as before the setting existed.

  • Personnel are automatically prevented from applying for jobs within the buffer time of a job they are scheduled to work or have already worked.

  • The setting does not apply when two jobs are at the same location.

Why and when would you use this?

To ensure officers have an appropriate amount of travel time between jobs, or can get some rest in between jobs.

Require Unique Customer Number

Administrators can now configure a setting to require unique customer numbers.

  • Administrators turn on the setting under Advanced > Site Config > Settings > General.

  • When this setting is on, anytime you create a new employer profile or modify an existing profile, PowerDetails makes sure another profile with that customer number does not exist.

  • “Blank” customer numbers are still always acceptable when this setting is on.

Why and when would you use this?

To decrease the chance of duplicate profiles being entered, and to make sure external system customer numbers are being referenced.

Hide Date and Time When a Job Becomes Available

Administrators can now configure a setting to hide the date and time when a job becomes available for personnel to apply.

  • Administrators can choose to always hide the Locked Until Date/Time from personnel under Advanced > Site Config > Security.

  • When checked, the job's opening time will be known to administrators and personnel admins who can manage those jobs, but not personnel when they go to apply.

Why and when would you use this?

To decrease the chance of personnel “camping out” for popular jobs. It can create a more randomized sense of opening jobs and create a level playing field.

Note: that this can also be achieved without this setting by opening an entire date range of jobs with a “Random-order” Job Set.

Randomly Open Cancelled Positions

Administrators can now set a random, hidden release time for open positions on cancelled or terminated jobs for personnel.

  • Administrator turns on the setting under Advanced > Site Config > Cancellations/Terminations

  • When a person clicks to cancel or requests to cancel from a job, OR is terminated by an administrator/personnel admin, PowerDetails will hide the date/time the position becomes available for eligible personnel to take that spot.

  • Admins can still see this date/time and can modify it if desired.

  • Job will unlock at a randomly generated date/time within an hour of the cancellation/termination and before 15 minutes of the job happening.

  • PowerDetails ensures that positions on jobs happening within 15 minutes are opened immediately.

  • This setting does not apply to jobs that have backups on them or are not yet fully staffed.

Why would you use this?

To decrease the chance of personnel giving away their canceled positions to their friends instead of letting it go to the pool of employees. This creates a more level playing field.

Add to Calendar Widget (Enhancement)

The most up-to-date widget was implemented for Personnel to export their assigned jobs to their personal calendars via the Home page.

Why would personnel use this? 

Everyone has their own preference of when they want to be reminded to “go to work”. Personnel can export their details to say, their Google Calendar, and say “remind me 50 minutes before the job happens”.

A Note From Our Customer Success Team

If we can be of service to you or your agency, please contact us! We love talking to our customers, call us at 855-476-9191 and press 2 for customer success.

You can also email us at


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